MOPP 2008 - "Home Sweet Street"

The Month of Peoples Photography, a completely inclusive and community-orientated photographic festival is about to hit Cape Town. Its an interesting venture that aims to exhibit pictures taken by photographers from all walks of life, and displayed in venues across the Cape Metropole - from Long Street to Langa.
Aside from the official opening exhibition, MOPP encourages everyone to bring their own photographs to display on Open Wall at the grand opening event. The theme for this year's feast of pictorial observations, which is open to all, is "Home Sweet Street", an investigation of the various interpretations of street photography.
The committee of the project are passionate about using art as a medium for social cohesion and collaboration.

"Home Sweet Street"
The new theme is an investigation on the various interpretations of street photography. The functions can be historical documents, political propaganda, pornography, files for personal memories as works of art, as fact, as metaphor, as poetry -- there is no one interpretation.
Our question to u is ''What is YOURS, What is your opinion on street photography?


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