
In the past few weeks a few of us have been operating in the background, to prepare the structure of what must and will happen over the next two months with the MONTH OF PEOPLES' PHOTOGRAPHY. Now is the time to get everyone together, get down to the details, and make the magic work!

Friday is the date for the first all inclusive very open ghettogether for all MOPP people.
We will be talking about where we are in the MOPP process, and what still has to happen. This is also a good session for exhibitors to asking questions about the process, and to make contact with the other people involved!

So, Friday 25 January 2008, 6pm-8pm, at Carnical Court Backpackers (in Long Street - Cape Town, above Long Street Cafe, the entrance is next to Long Street Cafe ~ press the buzzer to get through the gate, go up to the bar, and go out to the balcony. If you don't know who to look for, i have a head full of dreadlocks)

If you can't make it, and you want to be involved, please let me know, and I'll brief you with details afterwards.

See you there!

082 940 9191


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