Uninhabited Territories - artist interviews

Uninhabited Territories - artist interviews

Interviews between participating artists in Uninhabited Territories, and the exhibition curators Fiona Maxwell and Rachael Watts.To read the others pls go to ( http://www.westspace.org.au/editorial/UninhabitedInterviews.htm

1/ Can you explain the origins of the Camissa Collective and why you think such an initiative is important? With a country in transition period, it is important to establish platforms to launch people, young and old, taught and self taught, with opportunities in the arts. The more opportunities there are the better, people that shine will further themselves.
Social transformation, growth and opportunity are pillars of the Collective. Success should not be measured by the amount of cash you make but by the difference you make to yourself and others.
2/ Can you describe the artistic and creative climate in Cape Town?
"Until the Lions have their own historians,
Tales of hunting will always glorify the hunters"
afrikan proverb.
This saying sums it up; creatives are coming up from the ghettos.
3/ What do you like about the medium of photography? There are no rules to what is and what is not. Photography is now giving power to the people. Photo or darkroom, its accessibility is what is really awesome. It has been growing since the first image was captured and printed. Now I have the freedom to construct and deconstruct a situation in Photoshop.
4/ Can you describe some of the works to be exhibited? From last years showcase exhibition in Cape Town and the one approaching, the photo works are more concentrated on sharing what the photographer's eye sees, the sights of the ghetto, portraits, landscapes and more.
The overall choice of genres is portraiture both straight and environmental (documentary and street photography). The style alternates between one photographer and the other, at times perfectly exposed and sharply focused, its all personal.


january30 said…
that is gorgeous!:)glad to be in touch with all the yummy stuff.let's stay linked...*peace

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